My summer ended right where I wanted it too--at the beach!
I spent the first week of August, enjoying several awesome days at Ocean City, NJ with my family. The weather was sunny and hot, the waves were larger than normal most days due to Tropical Storm Bertha moving along the Atlantic Coast; close enough to affect the waves but not the weather. Ocean City has provided me with my favorite moments of my childhood so, it was a thrill to once again take my family with me to enjoy the life at my favorite beach- morning walks & bike rides on the boardwalk, afternoons in the sun, sand and water, and evening strolls back on the boardwalk and along the shoreline. We threw in a day trip to historic Cape May, NJ to celebrate my son, Sam's 16th birthday, a weekend in PA Dutch Country (home to my favorite foods) and it all added up to a very fun, laugh-filled, memory-making vacation for the Van Nests (and my mother-in-law).
What made it even more special is it came on the tail-end of an amazing summer of ministry. I love what God has called me to do year-round. However, what happens in the summer is always a step above the rest of the year. Between the camps, mission trips, VBS and other special events, God does some great work in the lives of so many. The nature and purpose of the events lend themselves to experiencing God in rewarding, faith-growing ways. The rest of the year feeds into summer and vice-versa to make an awesome cycle of spiritual growth and ministry.
This summer was even better than the others before them (as great as those were). This was the summer when I caught the wave at its peak and stretched out and rode it until my face was pushed down in the sandy shore! More, because of what I witnessed God do in the lives of others:
- One of my team leaders, grow by leaps and bounds in her faith and in her personal ministry. It began in a matter of hours at Senior Camp and rushed on through every event of the summer.
- The same team leader finding love with an amazing young man who is passionately pursuing and serving God. Its still early, but you can see the God-given potential in this relationship for love and ministry.
- Youth who bonded with each other, served wholeheartedly and pursued God passionately.
- A young, dynamic church generously (and I mean generously) showing God's love and grace to their struggling community.
- Adults and youth coming together to give kids some great faith experiences this summer via Summer @ Camp Faith, VBS and Jr. Camp.
Let me close with the lessons learned--lessons that came to my mind as I stood in the ocean water, watching the waves thinking of the parallel between body-surfing (something my Dad taught me and something I enjoyed teaching to my wife and kids) and ministry. I'll let you make the connection in your own mind. Its easy.
- To catch the right wave, you need to patiently watch the pattern of the waves. Not every wave is worth riding. Some are too small and won't take you too far. It will leave you disappointed and in the wrong place when the right wave starts breaking.
- On the flip side, you can wait too long and be too particular that you miss the thrill of the short ride even if you didn't catch it at its peak. The rush of the wave already rolling, while not as thrilling as catching it at its peak, can still be a fun and worthwhile ride. So sometimes you need to just jump on and ride!
- Sometimes you need a storm to cause the best waves to ride.
- You ride some great waves but the really-thrilling rides come few and far between. I am talking the rides that begin at the peak, pull you down, pounding you in the surf and leaving you with a face-full of sand! When you catch that wave, enjoy it for all its worth and give an extra hoop-n-holler and smile when its all done. You'll agree it was worth the wait.
- God makes the waves you just need to be available for the ride!
I hope this encourages you to passionately and purposefully pursue God and His Kingdom work.
Surfs up!