He Knew

He knew and He did it anyway.......

In reading John 15 & 16 this morning, I was struck by the fact that Jesus knew what was to come and He did it anyway.  I wasn't just drawn to what we typically discuss this Holy Week--that Jesus knew The Cross awaited Him and yet He went to Jerusalem anyway.  As significant and impressive as that is for our benefit, I was drawn to a thought that I admittedly overlook.

Not only did Jesus know what awaited Him but He knew what awaited His disciples and eventually, us.  Yet, He called His disciples and He calls us to follow His path.

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. (John 14:18)

....If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also...... (John 14:20)

Jesus knew the persecution that He faced.  He faced it anyway.  For our salvation.

He also knew the persecution that the disciples would face.  He knew it when He called them to follow Him 3 years earlier.  He knew the persecution that countless Christians across the centuries would face because of following Him.

Yet He still calls.


How many of us in the face of danger would invite others to follow us?  If we are brave enough to face it, we are quick to tell others to remain behind.  Why subject them to the same risks? Protect them.  Keep them far removed from the threat.

Yet, that is not what Jesus does.


The answers are in the context of the surrounding verses.

  • Jesus had just spoke eloquently about remaining attached to the vine. Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine.  Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. (John 15:4)  First, its about the Kingdom work.  There are more souls to be saved.  And we need to be attached to Him in order to do it.  No fruit will come of it if we are detached from Him.
  • Second, its about the worth of God's love.  As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love. (John 15:9).  The eternal love we experience in our relationship with God The Father, Son and Holy Spirit is worth whatever trials and tribulations we may face in this world.
  • Third, we are not facing it alone.  But I tell you the truth: It is for your good that I am going away.  Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. (John 16:7)  He goes on to speak of what The Holy Spirit will do. Jesus knew we would not be alone in this world.
 Jesus knew what He was about to face and why He was facing it.  He also knew what He was asking of those who follow Him.

Yet He did it anyway.

Because He love us.

Happy Easter!

What was He thinking?!

Do you ever wonder why God does what He does?

That thought struck me yesterday as I was leading the discussion in our Meaning of Marriage Class based on the book by Timothy & Kathy Keller.

For several weeks, I have been leading us through a chapter by chapter discussion of the book.  I appreciate the high-view of marriage that the Kellers give and also, see our topic as a means to a deeper understanding of our relationship with God.  The discussions have been lively, funny and thought-provoking.

Yesterday's focus was on Chapter 4- The Mission of Marriage.  To give you background, the takeaways leading up to this discussion are:

  • Marriage is a living illustration of Jesus Christ's relationship with The Church. (Chapter 1;The Secret of Marriage)
  • The power for marriage is in the work of The Holy Spirit in our lives. (Chapter 2: The Power for Marriage)
  • The essence of marriage is that it's a covenant, commitment and promise of future love. (Chapter 3, The Essence of Marriage)
As we moved through the discussion of qualities we looked for in choosing our spouse and the idea of your spouse as your best friend, we settled into a discussion of this chapter's takeaway.  What is the primary goal of Christian marriage?

Tim Keller's response: It is for helping each other to become our future glory-selves, the new creations that God will eventually make us.  (p.120)

God gave us marriage to transform us into the image of God that brings glory to Him.

Let me adjust that thought a little.  Initially, the first marriage (Adam and Eve), one could argue, was more about preserving the image of God rather than being transformed into the glorious image of God. Adam and Eve quickly failed at this. When Sin brought its destruction, God preserved marriage as a means to grow His holiness within us.  So the overarching purpose for each spouse is to spur the other on in pursuit of God.  This is best done in the context of a romantic friendship wrapped in the love of God.

But, here is what struck me in the midst of this teaching:

God has entrusted something very valuable (marriage) to us even though we are not capable to provide full care and protection to it. Put aside what society has done with marriage through the years (we've been defining it on our terms throughout history). As Christ-followers, we have been given the keys to a relationship that is to be a living illustration of Jesus' relationship with The Church.  That's a huge responsibility!  In the best of marriages, we fall short of that standard. Yet, He has handed it over to us, He blesses us richly through the relationship and He uses the experience to transform us and others into His image!

Its when we hand it back to Him (the power of marriage) that the essence of marriage (present and future love) is experienced in a way that transforms the marriage and us from one degree of glory to another! (2 Corinthians 3:18)

That's a living illustration of God's grace.....to give us something valuable to Him with His power and wisdom attached that we might experience in our human relationship what He is pouring out upon our soul for eternity!!

Happy Easter!