Urgent Need!

We need $10,688 ASAP to start school on Sept. 18 for 155 students in Pre-K thru 3rd grade!!  Will you help??

It's out there.  No "beating around the bush."  Right to the point.

If you need some back story, its coming.  But, let me tell you how you can give:

Online  Check the box 10 Vision Campaign

By Mail or Bank Bill Pay:
P.O. Box 846
Rutherford College, NC 28671
Mark Vision Campaign in the Memo/Comment

The first $11,000 will get school started on time.

Now, the back story.

We launched our Vision Campaign on August 10.   The goal of $115,500 breaks down this way:

  • $47,500- Launch Real Love Academy
  • $52,000- Open Real Love Medical Clinic
  • $16,000- Payoff Orphanage Loan 
You can get the details here.  This is intended to be a package deal which means all funds raised will be applied to the projects as needed.  

So, I am writing this blog on August 21.  School starts September 18.  155 students are enrolled in Kindergarten 1, Kindergarten 2, 1st, 2nd & 3rd grades.  An opportunity for education that otherwise would be off limits to them because of costs.  You see, in Haiti, there is no taxpayer-funded public education system.  Schools operate on tuition paid by students' families ($900/year is one school's tuition).  When the average income is less than $2/day, paying for school is low priority.  Many schools end up closing for periods of time because they have no money to pay teachers and provide educational resources.  

Real Love Academy's model is to charge $30/year so there is still a family investment in a child's education (scholarships can be awarded for need).  The rest of the budget will be raised from generous monthly contributors.
(You can be one for $30/month.  Make your first gift here.
or use the mailing address above.  Mark 05 Real Love Academy Operations.)

But, first we need a school building.  

We broke ground this Spring with initial gifts totaling close to $20,000......months before we were ready to launch our Vision Campaign! In June, we had a team of U.S. teachers who helped prepare the educational program and screen potential staff and students. Our staff is in place and 155 students (80 girls & 75 boys) have been enrolled!

But, I know what you are thinking.  I thought the same thing.  Why didn't you wait until the building was ready?  Why recruit students and staff and set a start date when the building is still under construction?

That is how I would do it.  That's my way of planning and organizing.  In Haiti, not so much!  As uncomfortable as it is for me, I find it refreshing and challenging to my own mentality.  In Haiti, its about faith and trusting in God's provision.  You take what God has given you today and you run with your vision as far as His provision will take you and then you wait until more comes.  That is what our Haiti Board is doing.  We had money generously given so, the school construction was started and the plans kept advancing.

Now, in August, our Vision Campaign is underway.  Some of you have already been praying and asking God to direct your giving.  To be blunt, I am asking you to step forward and give to this whole campaign.  Help us provide education, much-needed medical care, and free up funds for other ministries.  BUT, help right now to get school started on Sept. 18!

We still have a lot to do to finish the school building..... roof, flooring, plastering, etc.  So, school is going to start in our Chicken House!!  The $11,000 we raise right now will buy teaching materials, uniforms and put up some temporary walls in our Chicken House so classes can start while we finish the building!  Sounds crazy, right?  Not in Haiti.  Make do with what you have and move forward!!  God knew we needed to use the Chicken House for a school before we needed it to raise chickens! 

 God does His thing to His glory!
Proposed School Building

Temporary School Building

So, you don't have to scroll to the top, I have made it easy for you!

Online  Check the box 10 Vision Campaign

By Mail or Bank Bill Pay:
P.O. Box 846
Rutherford College, NC 28671
Mark Vision Campaign in the Memo/Comment

Ongoing support for $30/month.  Make your first gift here or use the mailing address above.  Mark 05 Real Love Academy Operations.

It's good to launch something new.  It's even better to keep it going!!

Thank you in advance for making education a reality for 155 students this year!  This is only just the beginning of providing great education for all ages!!

Russ Van Nest
Ministry Catalyst, Haiti
Real Love Ministries International

PS.  All funds are processed by Crosslink Church with 100% given directly to RLMI.

School Project Underway!

Our newest ministry to Engage, Equip and Empower, Real Love Academy, is underway.  Ground was broken in early April for Phase 1 of our school project.  One of the things I admire about the Haitian people is their hope.  Typically, in our culture, we do not move forward on a building project until we have a secure funding plan in place.  Not always so in Haiti.  Projects are launched with the funds you have and you wait on God's provision to keep moving. If the funds run out, you stop.... until you have the money to start again.  This display of hope and trust is admirable.

This project was begun with about $9250, which included a large donation of $8000 from Orchard Church in McHenry IL, this was followed by a $10,000 contribution from First Presbyterian Church in Boone NC.  Phase 1 will cost about $50,000 to complete.  When done, the 1st floor of the 2 story building will house Pre-K through 6th grade.  Phase 2 will be the Secondary School (7th-13th grade).

    Engineering Plans for Real Love Academy

The plan is to open the school with Pre-K 1 & 2 and 1st-3rd grades.  Next year, we want to add Kindergarten and 4th grade then progress from there by adding a grade each year.  We also want to use the facility for trade/technical school to prepare students and adults for jobs.  The school will provide educational opportunities for the children at our orphanage and in the surrounding villages. Funding support by donors will allow us to keep tuition cost very affordable to make quality education accessible.  There is no public education in Haiti.

In June, we will be launching our Vision Campaign to fund construction and operation of the School, to open and operate our Medical Clinic and pay off the loan on the orphanage.

God is bringing good things in the Spring!!

More Good Things!

This widows home is being replaced!
One of the main reasons I have not corresponded sooner, is that so much has been going on at Real Love Ministries International!  So many times, I wanted to tell you the stories and so many times, I had to set it aside to handle the pressing duties of the ministry.  From launching new ministries, to strengthening existing ones, to raising our organizational capacity to match the ministry on the ground, much is needed to be done.  Thank you for accepting this 3-month update in lieu of the intended monthly reports. You should see more regular updates in the future.

So besides the launch of Real Love Academy, here are some other Spring highlights:

  • New Homes for Widows: In April, we also began a project to replace 2 widows homes in the village of Belladere which is in the mountains near the border with the Dominican Republic. Grant money from the Doherty Foundation supported this project. Substandard housing is prevalent throughout Haiti and among our widows.  We are attempting to address the most egregious. These homes have been replaced with concrete block homes providing bedrooms, kitchen and living area.   Beds were provided as many sleep on the ground, a mat or on metal springs.  Move in date was May 5.

           Above the other home being replaced &
     views of both homes completed.
  • New Well: We have been dealing with dirty water for awhile now at our ministry campus.  It was finally determined to replace the well.  The contractors, Blue Ridge Christian Homes of Indiana, stood behind their original work of 6 years ago, to drill a new well at minimal cost! We are so grateful for their integrity!  Next, we will be adding a water filtration system.
  • Having Fun: May 1 was Labor Day in Haiti.  Our children had the day off from school so, we gave them a fun day out!! They visited a museum, played at the playground, had lunch and enjoyed ice cream!! Just like you enjoy giving your family days like this, it puts a smile on our face to do the same for our family!! Thank you to our staff for planning and leading this event.

Not everything is as exciting as above but, still it's important:
  • U.S. Board Retreat: The Board of Directors has met 3 times now including a 2-day retreat at our HQ in Rutherford College, NC.  The retreat allowed us to get better acquainted with each other and lay alot of necessary groundwork.  As stated earlier, it is vital that the organizational side of RLMI ramp up to match what God is doing on the ground in Haiti.  Next month, I will share some great thoughts that came out of these meetings.
  • Other Projects: We are in the process in developing our new logo and communication package and substantially updating our website to better tell our story,  In addition, online accounting and donor management software is being implemented to better connect the people and resources in the US with the people and need in Haiti.  Again, this stuff is probably more exciting to us than it is to you but, it is necessary to be effective servants which is want we want to be.  Our goal is to deliver on what God is calling us to do in Haiti in partnership with the people there.
  • Visibility & Partnerships: At the end of April, Jonathan Reece (US Director) and I attended the 1st Annual Haiti Collaborative of North America.  Hosted by Bethesda Teaching & Referral Hospital (which is to be built next door to our ministry campus!), this event in Lawrenceville GA brought together numerous ministries and organizations to unite in addressing the medical needs of Haiti especially, in the rural areas of the country.  In June, we will be representing RLMI at the Evangelical Methodist Church's Journey East in Salem VA.
          Our table display at the Haiti Collaborative.

It's Great To Be Back!

Got to spend alot of time with the children!

Playing Basketball
I need to teach them the American game of football!!
On February 4, my feet were walking on Haiti's soil once again.  A month after my last visit, I returned with a much smaller team and a different purpose.  I was joined by Mike and Laura Donovan and their daughter Kelley Wilson from near Boone North Carolina.  Mike is a videographer who has volunteered to put together promotional video for RLMI. Kelley was there on a vision trip for 2 upcoming trips she is leading this year! So the 4 of us with our Executive Director, Michael Sineus, Widow's Mite Coordinator, Solner Mazier and our Translation Team Coordinator, Ronald Guerilus set out to record what RLMI is doing in Haiti.  Since it was the beginning of the month, we assisted with the distribution of food to our widows/widowers in the villages of Minoterie, Belladere, Thomazeau and Monnonville.  We covered alot of ground on foot and by vehicle.  On some of our trips we were chauffeured by King David himself! (King David promised me citizenship after 5 more trips!)
This gentleman rubbed my belly why I prayed for him!!

Our Chariot!
A path in Monnoville we walked to visit widows.
Along with the trips to each of the villages to distribute food and meet with our leader in each village, we visited other ministries in Haiti.  We stopped by The Joseph School in Cabaret and the Church of God school in Minoterie (2 schools where our children attend), visited Healing Haiti in Titayen, and Nehemiah Vision Ministries in Chambrun.  We also met with the Mayor of Cabaret at the medical clinic in Minoterie where we will soon be providing health services. On Sunday, we worshipped at the Church of God and at nearby Mission of Hope Church.  Back at our ministry compound, we had a lot of time sitting and playing with the children and cleaning up some of the leftover garbage together (see last month's post).
Meeting with the Mayor (red shirt) at our new medical clinic.
The Joseph School children leave at 6:15am each day!
This was a valuable trip for me.  The nature and purpose of the trip gave me a great immersion into the Haiti life and culture as well as seeing the great ministry that is happening through RLMI.  I had the opportunity to listen to our village leaders to hear their heart for the needs of their people and to encourage our staff that serve our children, lead our ministries and care for our ministry compound.  I am so grateful to God to be connected with so many wonderful people and to work side-by-side with them in bringing the Real Love of Jesus to Haiti!

Solner Mazier (left) & Ronald Guerilus (right)

PS.  As you can see from the pictures above, the children loved the game balls that I brought along. Thank you to everyone who helped supply the soccer balls, footballs, basketballs, kick balls, air pumps, etc.  The children were ecstatic each time I brought out some new balls!  I will let you know what I will be taking on the next trip.


Help Our Support Grow!

Last summer, we launched our Van Nest Vision Team.  The purpose of the team is to partner with us in our ministry to Haiti.  When God calls someone, He often calls a team to surround them.  We are grateful for the 40+ individuals and churches who are partnering with us in prayer and finances!  We are 80% of our minimum goal and 47% of our maximum goal (covers salary, housing, ministry support and travel). Let us share some ways you can help right now:
  • For February, we are $600 short of what is needed to cover this month's expenses.
  • Since we are well below our maximum goal, we do not have a travel budget to work with yet. In March, we must travel to North Carolina to participate in the RLMI Board Retreat (March 10-12).  Our estimated cost for travel is $300.
  • If you are presently supporting us, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!  Help us reach our goals by connecting us with friends, family, churches or other groups to share our ministry.
  • If you have yet to partner with us, please contact Russ to arrange a time to talk.
Because the work to be done is so great and the ministry is so dear to our hearts, we made the unusual choice to jump into the work before being fully-funded.  We are trusting in God's provision as we make known our needs.  Most of all, we ask that we be a regular part of your prayer life.  Let us know how we can pray for you.

Your contributions can be given through RLMI (tax-deductible) online or by mail at
P.O. Box 846
Rutherford College, NC 28671
Mark "Van Nest Vision Team" in the Memo/Comment

or directly to Russ Van Nest at
RLMI-PA Office
2308 Hanna Street
New Castle PA 16102

You can reach us at russ@reallovehaiti.org

Ministry Update

Another highlight of February, was traveling to Champion Christian School near Donegal PA.  I had the opportunity to share in their Friday morning chapel about Haiti, mission work and RLMI.   It was a great group of young people from K-12.  They are sending a team of 22 older youth and adults to serve in the Dominican Republic next month.  Haiti and the DR are neighbors on the Caribean island of Hispaniola.

March 10-12, the newly formed Board of Directors for Real Love Ministries International will be having a planning retreat at Crosslink Church in Rutherford College, NC.  Crosslink has been the sponsoring church of RLMI since its early days.  Now, with their blessing, RLMI is launching out as its own non-profit ministry.  In February, we held our first Board meeting with our 9 members from North Carolina, Virginia, Illinois, Pennsylvania and Haiti via online conferencing.  Pray that this upcoming retreat is a very productive, Spirit-led meeting.

2017 will be a big year for RLMI in many ways.  Not only as we grow organizationally but, most importantly in ministry.  God has provided us the opportunity to re-open our Medical Clinic in Minoterie in a government-built clinic that has stood empty since it was constructed over 2 years ago! This will allow us to bring much-needed medical care to the village and surrounding areas, support our mobile clinics into the other villages we serve, and allow us to educate and address the challenges to good health.  An exciting partnership is also developing with a new hospital that is being planned right in our area!

We are also moving forward with our school project, Real Love Academy. Initially designed to serve Pre-School to 3rd grade, we will continue to add grades through High School. This will allow us to provide a quality education environment for our own children and to the surrounding area at an affordable cost. Education is not free and many are not able to attend school.  This is a vital next step in our ministry. Please be praying for us and watch for more news on this developing project.  It is our Executive Director, Michael Sineus' vision to open for this Fall!

Come To Haiti

We have the following trips open for you to see and experience first-hand what God is doing in Haiti through RLMI!  Right now, our trips cost about $1800 which covers airfare, lodging/meals and ministry projects.  There will be additional incidental costs (baggage fees, souvenirs, fun trip, etc.) Please contact us, if interested in any of these dates.  Also, if you want to put a group together, talk to us about that, too.  WARNING: your heart will be captured!!

June 24-July 1, teachers trip focus (for school prep, but others can join!)
Aug 10-17, multi-purpose trip, construction, medical, all ministries
Oct 7-14, multi-purpose trip, construction, medical, all ministries
Oct 28-Nov. 4, multi-purpose trip, construction, medical, all ministries
Dec 27- Jan 3, 2018, multi-purpose, construction, medical, all ministries
**There is another trip that will focus on widow ministry, VBS for children, relational ministries and evangelism that will be scheduled for the Fall 2017 as well, but no date as of yet!

For more information: info@reallovehaiti.org

A Garbage Field Becomes A Home

God finds some unique ways to demonstrate His power!  For years, the field that set just off Highway 1 as you entire the village of Minoterie was a place to dump garbage. Now, instead of rusted tin cans and plastic rubbish, a beautiful building that 21 children call home sits atop its hard-packed, sandy dirt.  The project begun in 2014, began housing children in 2015 and is now complete.  Some outside plastering and painting yet remain. Its capacity is 64 which will be reached as funding permits.

Thank you God for being the Master of making something out of nothing!!

Help Is On The Way

Access to needed medical care is very limited in Haiti especially, in the rural areas that we serve.  The building pictured above is a 2-year old government-built medical clinic that has been empty since the day the construction crews left.  Just a few months ago, the Mayor of Cabaret (the region where we're located), approached Michael Sineus (our Executive Director) about operating the medical clinic.  So we will be accepting the keys to the building with the goal of opening this year!  We are busily pursuing equipment and funds to meet this goal. There is alot of other exciting news swirling around this project so be praying and be watching what God is doing!

In the meantime, we continue to serve our villages with mobile medical clinics with our teams.  This recent December trip was no different.  We hosted clinics in Belladere and Thomazeau.  In Minoterie, we did something different this time.  We went house-to-house to those who are not able to get out to a clinic site.  Over 300 people we served through all 3 clinics!

Even with the new medical clinic, we will continue to bring this vital ministry directly to the villages.

Scenes from our Mobile Clinic in Thomazeau
Top: Triage where patients are assessed
Bottom Left: Seeing the doctor
Bottom Center: Our Pharmacy
Bottom Right: A view of the whole clinic.  Its tight but it works!
On the left, you will notice the waiting room to see the doctor which was next to the Triage (not seen). At the back, is the doctor-patient area and on the right with the long tables is the Pharmacy.  The decorations were from Christmas.  This metal pole building serves as a community center, church and school when we are not using it for clinics.

Let's Play!!

Russ is returning to Haiti February 4 and is looking for a few specific donated items to take:
  • 2 boxes of construction-grade large garbage bags. 
  •  New Game Balls for the children at the orphanage: 5 basketballs, 3 soccer balls, 2 footballs and 2 kickballs. Must be new but flat for packing. They have a new court to play on!
  • 2-3 hand-sized air pumps with needles for inflating. (Already got this covered!)
  • 2 Bags designed to store the game balls.
  • $40 to cover the cost of the extra bag to take these items.
Message if you can help.

Bringing Hope to Widows

Throughout the week as we traveled to the villages of Belladere and Thomazeau and around our home village of Minoterie, we sent out teams to visit the women and men of our Widows Mite Ministry.  These teams took food, clothing and other gifts and spent time ministering to them and pampering them.  Their visits included talking. listening, praying, washing feet, applying lotions and determining needs.  We wanted the widows and widowers to know they are loved!  Presently, we are serving 36 widows in 4 villages.

To learn more about our Widow's Mite Ministry, visit our website.

Loving On The Children

Sam and Russ returned to Haiti Dec. 27-Jan.3; joining 35 others from WV, VA, NC & SC.  This team was busy bringing the Real Love of Jesus to Haiti!  Alot of time was spent loving on the children! Singing, reading, coloring, playing ball or just sitting, filled the down times of our day and evening. We also hosted a VBS outreach in Minoterie, Thomazeau and Belledare which allowed us to share Jesus with hundreds of children in the villages.

In addition, our team (in whole or part):
  • worked alongside our Haitian construction crew in the building of a basketball court in front of the orphanage and painting
  • ministered to prostitutes in Minoterie 
  • worshiped with local villagers that gather every Wednesday night on our ministry campus, hosted a New Year's Eve worship service and worshiped with Mission of Hope Church on Sunday Morning
  • trained our church plant leaders to share Christ and disciple new believers
  • hosted a Christmas Party for the orphans and presented them with gifts.
  • and enjoyed an afternoon at the beach

Clockwise: Christmas Party, VBS,  Beach   Mission of Hope Worship,  New Year's Eve Worship,   Basketball court,