Weekly Text 5/15/2024

 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

If you have served in Kingdom Ministry for more than a day, you have experienced weariness!  It doesn't matter if you are volunteer or paid staff, pastor or nursery worker, missionary or greeter; serving in God's Kingdom is not for the faint of heart. Yet, left to our own devices, we will "grow weary."  The reasons are many but, I'm not here to rehash that list. Let's stay focused on what Paul is focusing us on--the good that we are doing.

First, let's be clear, experiencing weariness is not a sin.  If we invest ourselves in the calling that has been placed upon us, we will and should experience weariness.  Paul is not admonishing us to avoid that.  What He is admonishing us is not to stay weary.  The key word I see in this verse is "grow".  We all experience weariness but, we should not all ways BE weary.  Elsewhere, Scripture reminds us that these moments and seasons, if surrendered to God, will strengthen our perseverance and advance our spiritual maturity so that, we can "keep on keeping on" in the good that we are called to do.

Quickly, let's look at the nuggets that Paul leaves for us all over chapter 6 to avoid growing in weariness. In parentheses are the verses to read.

  • Bear and Share the burden (1-2).  Confession, Forgiveness, Restoration, Transformation are at the heart of The Gospel message we are proclaiming.  So let's live what we are proclaiming.  While the focus here is on sinfulness and rightly so, I think Paul would agree that the notion of "Bear and Share" applies to the actual work of ministry as well.  Be a team player.
  • Be humble and avoid the comparison game (3-4).
  • Stay in your lane.  Avoid the temptation to go outside of your calling (5).  As an aside, don't use your calling as an excuse not to step up when needed regardless of job description.  Be a team player.
  • Be generous (6).  We serve a generous God who blesses our own generous spirit because it bears His image to the world.
  • Be Kingdom-minded and not worldly-minded (7-8).  This is not to neglect yourself or be neglected but, do keep the greater good as your focus.
  • Remember, fruit takes a long time to grow (9).
  • Let doing good be your calling card especially, among your own family and the church family (10).
  • Avoid superficial faith and boast only in Christ because that is what all of us are called to do regardless of position (11-15)!
  • If we don't GROW weary, peace and mercy will be upon us and extended to those we encounter (16).
  • Finally, Jesus is The One who suffered under the greatest of burdens and it is He who dwells in us and it is His Holy Spirit that empowers us.  We live in His Grace in the good times and the bad. In the easy times and the hard (17-18).
Are you weary today?  That's ok.  Just don't put your roots down there. Take hold of one of Paul's nuggets to feed your perseverance and nurture your God-given joy!

Blessings in your labor my friends!