In love a throne will be established; in faithfulness a man will sit on it—one from the house of David—one who in judging seeks justice and speeds the cause of righteousness. Isaiah 16:5
verse is lifted out of Isaiah's prophecy against Moab found in chapters 15
& 16. Amid this prophecy, we get this nugget that speaks to the
Messiah and His Mission.
The word translated "love" by the NIV, is the Hebrew word "Chased" (Hesed). It is a unique word for which there is no single English word that fully captures its meaning. Noted Isaiah scholar, Dr. John Oswalt gives us this insight to the word--"the passionate, undying devotion of a superior to an inferior, especially when it is undeserved." (Dr. John Oswalt, Isaiah Session 8, YouTube) It is a beautiful description of God's commitment to us; capturing the fullness of The Gospel embodied in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
In studying for our Sunday School class discussion, I was struck by another word, "Misphat" which is translated here as "justice". The meaning is not how we understand justice as equity or equal treatment under the law. In Hebrew, this word is properly defined as "divine order."
The proclamation is the Messiah, our superior, will demonstrate His passionate, undying, undeserved devotion to His inferiors (all of humanity; you and me) by seeking the restoration of God's Divine Order and Righteousness in His Creation. It is the redemption from sin and the restoration of a right relationship with God our Father, which brings His Divine Order into our lives, even as we are surrounded by disorder. For us, this is both a prophecy regarding the mission of Jesus Christ and a powerful message of His Grace. Because of Chesed, we have Misphat.
Yet, there is more. This is also OUR mission statement. Jesus' mission is now our mission. As Ambassadors for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20), our mission is also to be one who in judging seeks justice (divine order) and speeds the cause of righteousness. Jesus who redeems us is also equipping us and leading us in this mission unto the end of the age!
May you be blessed to be a blessing!