A New Year Weekly Text


And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence to the full assurance of hope until the end, that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Hebrews 6:11-12

Are you ready for 2024??? Do you have your New Year's Resolutions set? Goals? Bucket List? Are you excited about the prospects the New Year holds?

Whether you answer yes or no, allow me to put on my "Life Coach" hat and offer some some advice. Like my texts, it's free of charge. Remember, you get what you pay for!!🙂

When I read this passage the other day, I thought what a great set of resolutions for the year to come! Use your sticky notes, set reminders on your phone, tell Alexa, just get it before you as a constant reminder.
  • Be diligent to the full assurance of hope
  • Don't be sluggish
  • Be a person of faith and patience that you might inherit the promises

Better than a "To-Do List" would be to use this passage as a filter for your 2024 goals. As you contemplate your goals, ask yourself:
  • How will this help me be diligent to the full assurance of hope that I have in Jesus?
  • How can this assist me in not being sluggish in my daily walk with the Lord?
  • How will this grow my faith and increase my patience? Does this draw me away from the promises I have in Christ?
  • In pursuing this, will I be worthy of imitation by others in their faith journey?

Finally, I would encourage you to incorporate the principles of these verses into your daily prayers, seeking the power of The Holy Spirit to imprint this focus into your daily life. I believe you could see significant growth in faith and holiness and more effective and worthwhile results from your resolutions. Aspire to the greater things that God has for you until He calls you home!

Happy New Year!! Bon Ane Nouvo!!

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