Weekly Text 3/6/2024

 But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. Jude 1:20-21

When I read these words from Jude, I am drawn to the phrase "keep yourselves in the love of God". It describes the sweet spot where we want to be as followers of Jesus Christ. Why? Allow me to tick off some reasons (as a sidenote, I am going to avoid a lot of depth for the sake of space and challenge you to add the depth in your own ponderings).

*It brings honor and glory to God.
*Our faith it is more than transactional, it is a living, breathing, active, transforming (us and those around us), and HOLY (set apart) kind of faith. Saving faith is a continuing faith.
*The love of God is the conveyor of the mercy of God "that leads to eternal life" with God. That's our destination!
*It is also the conveyor of the blessings of God, the place where we witness and experience the power of God, and the place that was always intended to be our home. It is the home of the "beloved".

Now for the how? By building ourselves up. We are active participants in living in the sweet spot intended for us. God has given us the tools....Scripture, Worship, Prayer, Fellowship with Him and the larger Family of God and Service & Proclamation to others. As we engage in all of these, God uses these moments to strengthen and expand our faith. We work side by side with God building our faith in Him. That is why Jude reminds us to be "praying in the Holy Spirit". It is not merely self-effort rather self-surrender to the work of God through the Holy Spirit of God that transforms us into the "temple" of God!

Enjoy the sweet spot!

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