But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” He said, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” Exodus 3:11-12
Moses was drawn to investigate a simple yet amazing phenomenon, a burning bush that was not consumed. Out of this bush, He heard the voice of God. God was calling him to serve in a monumental way. Moses was being tasked to lead the Israelites out of slavery and into the Promised Land. You know the backstory that led to this pivotal moment.
Moses questions his fit for the role. It’s interesting to note, He doesn’t question the plan or the intent. Likely because it matched up with his own desire. You remember the anger over the treatment of the slaves that led to murder that led to him fleeing to this desert place. Many times Moses must have wished his people could be out there with him living in the freedom that he enjoyed.
But, surely it shouldn’t be him???
There probably were a lot of reasons bouncing around Moses’ brain at that moment as to why it shouldn't be him.
To us, God’s response is familiar….”I will certainly be with you.” But then God offers confirmation….the return to this very mountain with all the Israelites. Did you notice the confirmation comes after Moses’ participation not before??? Sure, he was witnessing an amazing spectacle which confirms that he is dealing with a powerful, amazing God. But, he had to step out and actually do “the thing” to confirm that he was the one to actually “do the thing!”
And it was no small thing that he was asked to do!
“If it can be done with a strategic plan and a gazillion dollars, it is not big enough for God.” –J.D. Walt
Jesus has asked us to do a monumental task. You know what it is….Matthew 28:18-20. In that task, he has given each of us assignments. In fact, multiple assignments.
Allow me to not belabor that point, and just give you my big takeaway from this passage:
Go Big (with God), Go Small (be humble), Go Home (Heaven). This is the sum of the Christian life (or at least 1 way to look at it).
Have a great day in the Lord and be both blessed and a blessing!
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